Running on ARM64 (Experimental)
Running on an ARM64 platform is currently an experimental feature and is not yet officially supported in Rancher. Therefore, we do not recommend using ARM64 based nodes in a production environment.
The following options are available when using an ARM64 platform:
Running Rancher on ARM64 based node(s)
Only for Docker Install. Please note that the following installation command replaces the examples found in the Docker Install link:
# In the last line `rancher/rancher:vX.Y.Z`, be certain to replace "X.Y.Z" with a released version in which ARM64 builds exist. For example, if your matching version is v2.5.8, you would fill in this line with `rancher/rancher:v2.5.8`.
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \
-p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
--privileged \
rancher/rancher:vX.Y.ZNote: To check if your specific released version is compatible with the ARM64 architecture, you may navigate to your version's release notes in the following two ways:
- Manually find your version using
- Go directly to your version using the tag and the specific version number. If you plan to use v2.5.8, for example, you may navigate to
Create custom cluster and adding ARM64 based node(s)
- Kubernetes cluster version must be 1.12 or higher
- CNI Network Provider must be Flannel
Importing clusters that contain ARM64 based nodes
- Kubernetes cluster version must be 1.12 or higher
Please see Cluster Options for information on how to configure the cluster options.
The following features are not tested:
- Monitoring, alerts, notifiers, pipelines and logging
- Launching apps from the catalog