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Version: v2.9

Global Permissions

Permissions are individual access rights that you can assign when selecting a custom permission for a user.

Global Permissions define user authorization outside the scope of any particular cluster. Out-of-the-box, there are four default global permissions: Administrator, Restricted Admin,Standard User and User-base.

  • Administrator: These users have full control over the entire Rancher system and all clusters within it.

  • Restricted Admin (Deprecated) : These users have full control over downstream clusters, but cannot alter the local Kubernetes cluster.

  • Standard User: These users can create new clusters and use them. Standard users can also assign other users permissions to their clusters.

  • User-Base: User-Base users have login-access only.

You cannot update or delete the built-in Global Permissions.

Global Permission Assignment

Global permissions for local users are assigned differently than users who log in to Rancher using external authentication.

Global Permissions for New Local Users

When you create a new local user, you assign them a global permission as you complete the Add User form.

To see the default permissions for new users,

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Role Templates.
  3. The Role Templates page has tabs for roles grouped by scope. Each table lists the roles in that scope. In the Global tab, in the New User Default column, the permissions given to new users by default are indicated with a checkmark.

You can change the default global permissions to meet your needs.

Global Permissions for Users with External Authentication

When a user logs into Rancher using an external authentication provider for the first time, they are automatically assigned the New User Default global permissions. By default, Rancher assigns the Standard User permission for new users.

To see the default permissions for new users,

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Role Templates.
  3. The Role Templates page has tabs for roles grouped by scope. Each table lists the roles in that scope. In the New User Default column on each page, the permissions given to new users by default are indicated with a checkmark.

You can change the default permissions to meet your needs.

Permissions can be assigned to an individual user.

You can assign a role to everyone in the group at the same time if the external authentication provider supports groups.

Custom Global Permissions

Using custom permissions is convenient for providing users with narrow or specialized access to Rancher.

When a user from an external authentication source signs into Rancher for the first time, they're automatically assigned a set of global permissions (hereafter, permissions). By default, after a user logs in for the first time, they are created as a user and assigned the default user permission. The standard user permission allows users to login and create clusters.

However, in some organizations, these permissions may extend too much access. Rather than assigning users the default global permissions of Administrator or Standard User, you can assign them a more restrictive set of custom global permissions.

The default roles, Administrator and Standard User, each come with multiple global permissions built into them. The Administrator role includes all global permissions, while the default user role includes three global permissions: Create Clusters, Use Catalog Templates, and User Base, which is equivalent to the minimum permission to log in to Rancher. In other words, the custom global permissions are modularized so that if you want to change the default user role permissions, you can choose which subset of global permissions are included in the new default user role.

Administrators can enforce custom global permissions in multiple ways:

Combining Built-in GlobalRoles

Rancher provides several GlobalRoles which grant granular permissions for certain common use cases. The following table lists each built-in global permission and whether it is included in the default global permissions, Administrator, Standard User and User-Base.

Custom Global PermissionAdministratorStandard UserUser-Base
Create Clusters
Create RKE Templates
Manage Authentication
Manage Catalogs
Manage Cluster Drivers
Manage Node Drivers
Manage PodSecurityPolicy Templates
Manage Roles
Manage Settings
Manage Users
Use Catalog Templates
User-Base (Basic log-in access)

For details on which Kubernetes resources correspond to each global permission,

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Role Templates.
  3. If you click the name of an individual role, a table shows all of the operations and resources that are permitted by the role.
  • Each permission listed above is comprised of multiple individual permissions not listed in the Rancher UI. For a full list of these permissions and the rules they are comprised of, access through the API at /v3/globalRoles.
  • When viewing the resources associated with default roles created by Rancher, if there are multiple Kubernetes API resources on one line item, the resource will have (Custom) appended to it. These are not custom resources but just an indication that there are multiple Kubernetes API resources as one resource.

Custom GlobalRoles

You can create custom GlobalRoles to satisfy use cases not directly addressed by built-in GlobalRoles.

Create custom GlobalRoles through the UI or through automation (such as the Rancher Kubernetes API). You can specify the same type of rules as the rules for upstream roles and clusterRoles.

Escalate and Bind verbs

When giving permissions on GlobalRoles, keep in mind that Rancher respects the escalate and bind verbs, in a similar fashion to Kubernetes.

Both of these verbs, which are given on the GlobalRoles resource, can grant users the permission to bypass Rancher's privilege escalation checks. This potentially allows users to become admins. Since this represents a serious security risk, bind and escalate should be distributed to users with great caution.

The escalate verb allows users to change a GlobalRole and add any permission, even if the users doesn't have the permissions in the current GlobalRole or the new version of the GlobalRole.

The bind verb allows users to create a GlobalRoleBinding to the specified GlobalRole, even if they do not have the permissions in the GlobalRole.


The wildcard verb * also includes the bind and escalate verbs. This means that giving * on GlobalRoles to a user also gives them both escalate and bind.

Custom GlobalRole Examples

To grant permission to escalate only the test-gr GlobalRole:

- apiGroups:
- ''
- 'globalroles'
- 'test-gr'
- 'escalate'

To grant permission to escalate all GlobalRoles:

- apiGroups:
- ''
- 'globalroles'
- 'escalate'

To grant permission to create bindings (which bypass escalation checks) to only the test-gr GlobalRole:

- apiGroups:
- ''
- 'globalroles'
- 'test-gr'
- 'bind'
- apiGroups:
- ''
- 'globalrolebindings'
- 'create'

Granting * permissions (which includes both escalate and bind):

- apiGroups:
- ''
- 'globalroles'
- '*'

GlobalRole Permissions on Downstream Clusters

GlobalRoles can grant one or more RoleTemplates on every downstream cluster through the inheritedClusterRoles field. Values in this field must refer to a RoleTemplate which exists and has a context of Cluster.

With this field, users gain the specified permissions on all current or future downstream clusters. For example, consider the following GlobalRole:

kind: GlobalRole
displayName: All Downstream Owner
name: all-downstream-owner
- cluster-owner

Any user with this permission will be a cluster-owner on all downstream clusters. If a new cluster is added, regardless of type, the user will be an owner on that cluster as well.


Using this field on default GlobalRoles may result in users gaining excessive permissions.

Configuring Default Global Permissions

If you want to restrict the default permissions for new users, you can remove the user permission as default role and then assign multiple individual permissions as default instead. Conversely, you can also add administrative permissions on top of a set of other standard permissions.


Default roles are only assigned to users added from an external authentication provider. For local users, you must explicitly assign global permissions when adding a user to Rancher. You can customize these global permissions when adding the user.

To change the default global permissions that are assigned to external users upon their first log in, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Role Templates. On the Role Templates page, make sure the Global tab is selected.
  3. Find the permissions set that you want to add or remove as a default. Then edit the permission by selecting ⋮ > Edit Config.
  4. If you want to add the permission as a default, Select Yes: Default role for new users and then click Save. If you want to remove a default permission, edit the permission and select No.

Result: The default global permissions are configured based on your changes. Permissions assigned to new users display a check in the New User Default column.

Configuring Global Permissions for Individual Users

To configure permission for a user,

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Users.
  3. Go to the user whose access level you want to change and click ⋮ > Edit Config.
  4. In the Global Permissions and Built-in sections, check the boxes for each permission you want the user to have. If you have created roles from the Role Templates page, they will appear in the Custom section and you can choose from them as well.
  5. Click Save.

Result: The user's global permissions have been updated.

Configuring Global Permissions for Groups

If you have a group of individuals that need the same level of access in Rancher, it can save time to assign permissions to the entire group at once, so that the users in the group have the appropriate level of access the first time they sign into Rancher.

After you assign a custom global role to a group, the custom global role will be assigned to a user in the group when they log in to Rancher.

For existing users, the new permissions will take effect when the users log out of Rancher and back in again, or when an administrator refreshes the group memberships.

For new users, the new permissions take effect when the users log in to Rancher for the first time. New users from this group will receive the permissions from the custom global role in addition to the New User Default global permissions. By default, the New User Default permissions are equivalent to the Standard User global role, but the default permissions can be configured.

If a user is removed from the external authentication provider group, they would lose their permissions from the custom global role that was assigned to the group. They would continue to have any remaining roles that were assigned to them, which would typically include the roles marked as New User Default. Rancher will remove the permissions that are associated with the group when the user logs out, or when an administrator refreshes group memberships, whichever comes first.


You can only assign a global role to a group if:

To assign a custom global role to a group, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Groups.
  3. Go to the group you want to assign a custom global role to and click ⋮ > Edit Config.
  4. In the Global Permissions, Custom, and/or Built-in sections, select the permissions that the group should have.
  5. Click Create.

Result: The custom global role will take effect when the users in the group log into Rancher.

Refreshing Group Memberships

When an administrator updates the global permissions for a group, the changes take effect for individual group members after they log out of Rancher and log in again.

To make the changes take effect immediately, an administrator or cluster owner can refresh group memberships.

An administrator might also want to refresh group memberships if a user is removed from a group in the external authentication service. In that case, the refresh makes Rancher aware that the user was removed from the group.

To refresh group memberships,

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Users & Authentication.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Users.
  3. Click Refresh Group Memberships.

Result: Any changes to the group members' permissions will take effect.

Restricted Admin


The Restricted Admin role is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of Rancher (2.10 or higher). You should make a custom role with the desired permissions instead of relying on this built-in role.

A new restricted-admin role was created in Rancher v2.5 in order to prevent privilege escalation on the local Rancher server Kubernetes cluster. This role has full administrator access to all downstream clusters managed by Rancher, but it does not have permission to alter the local Kubernetes cluster.

The restricted-admin can create other restricted-admin users with an equal level of access.

A new setting was added to Rancher to set the initial bootstrapped administrator to have the restricted-admin role. This applies to the first user created when the Rancher server is started for the first time. If the environment variable is set, then no global administrator would be created, and it would be impossible to create the global administrator through Rancher.

To bootstrap Rancher with the restricted-admin as the initial user, the Rancher server should be started with the following environment variable:


List of restricted-admin Permissions

The following table lists the permissions and actions that a restricted-admin should have in comparison with the Administrator and Standard User roles:

CategoryActionGlobal AdminStandard UserRestricted AdminNotes for Restricted Admin role
Local Cluster functionsManage Local Cluster (List, Edit, Import Host)YesNoNo
Create Projects/namespacesYesNoNo
Add cluster/project membersYesNoNo
Global DNSYesNoNo
Access to management cluster for CRDs and CRsYesNoYes
Save as RKE TemplateYesNoNo
Enable authConfigure AuthenticationYesNoYes
RolesCreate/Assign GlobalRolesYesNo (Can list)YesAuth webhook allows creating globalrole for perms already present
Create/Assign ClusterRolesYesNo (Can list)YesNot in local cluster
Create/Assign ProjectRolesYesNo (Can list)YesNot in local cluster
UsersAdd User/Edit/Delete/Deactivate UserYesNoYes
GroupsAssign Global role to groupsYesNoYesAs allowed by the webhook
Refresh GroupsYesNoYes
PSP'sManage PSP templatesYesNo (Can list)YesSame privileges as Global Admin for PSPs
Manage RKE TemplatesYesNoYes
Manage Global CatalogsYesNoYesCannot edit/delete built-in system catalog. Can manage Helm library
Cluster DriversYesNoYes
Node DriversYesNoYes
GlobalDNS ProvidersYesYes (Self)Yes
GlobalDNS EntriesYesYes (Self)Yes
Manage SettingsYesNo (Can list)No (Can list)
Manage API KeysYes (Manage all)Yes (Manage self)Yes (Manage self)
Manage Node TemplatesYesYes (Manage self)Yes (Manage self)Can only manage their own node templates and not those created by other users
Manage Cloud CredentialsYesYes (Manage self)Yes (Manage self)Can only manage their own cloud credentials and not those created by other users
Downstream ClusterCreate ClusterYesYesYes
Edit ClusterYesYesYes
Rotate CertificatesYesYes
Snapshot NowYesYes
Restore SnapshotYesYes
Save as RKE TemplateYesNoYes
Run CIS ScanYesYesYes
Add MembersYesYesYes
Create ProjectsYesYesYes
Feature Charts since v2.5
Install FleetYesYesShould not be able to run Fleet in local cluster
Deploy EKS clusterYesYesYes
Deploy GKE clusterYesYesYes
Deploy AKS clusterYesYesYes

Changing Global Administrators to Restricted Admins

In previous version, the docs recommended that all users should be changed over to Restricted Admin if the role was in use. Users are now encouraged to use a custom-built role using the cluster permissions feature, and migrate any current restricted admins to use that approach.

This can be done through Security > Users and moving any Administrator role over to Restricted Administrator.

Signed-in users can change themselves over to the restricted-admin if they wish, but they should only do that as the last step, otherwise they won't have the permissions to do so.