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Version: v2.9

Registering Existing Clusters

The cluster registration feature replaced the feature to import clusters.

The control that Rancher has to manage a registered cluster depends on the type of cluster. For details, see Management Capabilities for Registered Clusters.


Kubernetes Node Roles

Registered RKE Kubernetes clusters must have all three node roles - etcd, controlplane and worker. A cluster with only controlplane components cannot be registered in Rancher.

For more information on RKE node roles, see the best practices.


To register a cluster in Rancher, you must have cluster-admin privileges within that cluster. If you don't, grant these privileges to your user by running:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin \

Since, by default, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) doesn't grant the cluster-admin role, you must run these commands on GKE clusters before you can register them. To learn more about role-based access control for GKE, please see the official Google documentation.

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

To successfully import or provision EKS, AKS, and GKE clusters from Rancher, the cluster must have at least one managed node group.

EKS Anywhere clusters can be imported/registered into Rancher with an API address and credentials, as with any downstream cluster. EKS Anywhere clusters are treated as imported clusters and do not have full lifecycle support from Rancher.

GKE Autopilot clusters aren't supported. See Compare GKE Autopilot and Standard for more information about the differences between GKE modes.

Registering a Cluster

  1. Click ☰ > Cluster Management.
  2. On the Clusters page, Import Existing.
  3. Choose the type of cluster.
  4. Use Member Roles to configure user authorization for the cluster. Click Add Member to add users that can access the cluster. Use the Role drop-down to set permissions for each user.
  5. If you are importing a generic Kubernetes cluster in Rancher, perform the following steps for setup:
    a. Click Agent Environment Variables under Cluster Options to set environment variables for rancher cluster agent. The environment variables can be set using key value pairs. If rancher agent requires use of proxy to communicate with Rancher server, HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables can be set using agent environment variables.
    b. Enable Project Network Isolation to ensure the cluster supports Kubernetes NetworkPolicy resources. Users can select the Project Network Isolation option under the Advanced Options dropdown to do so.
  6. Click Create.
  7. The prerequisite for cluster-admin privileges is shown (see Prerequisites above), including an example command to fulfil the prerequisite.
  8. Copy the kubectl command to your clipboard and run it on a node where kubeconfig is configured to point to the cluster you want to import. If you are unsure it is configured correctly, run kubectl get nodes to verify before running the command shown in Rancher.
  9. If you are using self-signed certificates, you will receive the message certificate signed by unknown authority. To work around this validation, copy the command starting with curl displayed in Rancher to your clipboard. Then run the command on a node where kubeconfig is configured to point to the cluster you want to import.
  10. When you finish running the command(s) on your node, click Done.


  • Your cluster is registered and assigned a state of Pending. Rancher is deploying resources to manage your cluster.
  • You can access your cluster after its state is updated to Active.
  • Active clusters are assigned two Projects: Default (containing the namespace default) and System (containing the namespaces cattle-system, ingress-nginx, kube-public and kube-system, if present).

You can not re-register a cluster that is currently active in a Rancher setup.

Configuring an Imported EKS, AKS or GKE Cluster with Terraform

You should define only the minimum fields that Rancher requires when importing an EKS, AKS or GKE cluster with Terraform. This is important as Rancher will overwrite what was in the cluster configuration with any config that the user has provided.


Even a small difference between the current cluster and a user-provided config could have unexpected results.

The minimum config fields required by Rancher to import EKS clusters with Terraform using eks_config_v2 are as follows:

  • cloud_credential_id
  • name
  • region
  • imported (this field should always be set to true for imported clusters)

Example YAML configuration for imported EKS clusters:

resource "rancher2_cluster" "my-eks-to-import" {
name = "my-eks-to-import"
description = "Terraform EKS Cluster"
eks_config_v2 {
cloud_credential_id =
name = var.aws_eks_name
region = var.aws_region
imported = true

You can find additional examples for other cloud providers in the Rancher2 Terraform Provider documentation.

Management Capabilities for Registered Clusters

The control that Rancher has to manage a registered cluster depends on the type of cluster.

Features for All Registered Clusters

After registering a cluster, the cluster owner can:

Additional Features for Registered RKE2 and K3s Clusters

K3s is a lightweight, fully compliant Kubernetes distribution for edge installations. RKE2 is Rancher's next-generation Kubernetes distribution for datacenter and cloud installations.

When an RKE2 or K3s cluster is registered in Rancher, Rancher will recognize it. The Rancher UI will expose the features for all registered clusters, in addition to the following features for editing and upgrading the cluster:

  • The ability to upgrade the Kubernetes version


    After a cluster has been imported into Rancher, upgrades should be performed using Rancher. Upgrading an imported cluster outside of Rancher is not supported.

  • The ability to configure the maximum number of nodes that will be upgraded concurrently

  • The ability to see a read-only version of the cluster's configuration arguments and environment variables used to launch each node in the cluster

Additional Features for Registered EKS, AKS, and GKE Clusters

Rancher handles registered EKS, AKS, or GKE clusters similarly to clusters created in Rancher. However, Rancher doesn't destroy registered clusters when you delete them through the Rancher UI.

When you create an EKS, AKS, or GKE cluster in Rancher, then delete it, Rancher destroys the cluster. When you delete a registered cluster through Rancher, the Rancher server disconnects from the cluster. The cluster remains live, although it's no longer in Rancher. You can still access the deregistered cluster in the same way you did before you registered it.

See Cluster Management Capabilities by Cluster Type for more information about what features are available for managing registered clusters.

Configuring RKE2 and K3s Cluster Upgrades


It is a Kubernetes best practice to back up the cluster before upgrading. When upgrading a high-availability K3s cluster with an external database, back up the database in whichever way is recommended by the relational database provider.

The concurrency is the maximum number of nodes that are permitted to be unavailable during an upgrade. If number of unavailable nodes is larger than the concurrency, the upgrade will fail. If an upgrade fails, you may need to repair or remove failed nodes before the upgrade can succeed.

  • Controlplane concurrency: The maximum number of server nodes to upgrade at a single time; also the maximum unavailable server nodes
  • Worker concurrency: The maximum number worker nodes to upgrade at the same time; also the maximum unavailable worker nodes

In the RKE2 and K3s documentation, controlplane nodes are called server nodes. These nodes run the Kubernetes master, which maintains the desired state of the cluster. By default, these controlplane nodes have the capability to have workloads scheduled to them by default.

Also in the RKE2 and K3s documentation, nodes with the worker role are called agent nodes. Any workloads or pods that are deployed in the cluster can be scheduled to these nodes by default.

Debug Logging and Troubleshooting for Registered RKE2 and K3s Clusters

Nodes are upgraded by the system upgrade controller running in the downstream cluster. Based on the cluster configuration, Rancher deploys two plans to upgrade nodes: one for controlplane nodes and one for workers. The system upgrade controller follows the plans and upgrades the nodes.

To enable debug logging on the system upgrade controller deployment, edit the configmap to set the debug environment variable to true. Then restart the system-upgrade-controller pod.

Logs created by the system-upgrade-controller can be viewed by running this command:

kubectl logs -n cattle-system system-upgrade-controller

The current status of the plans can be viewed with this command:

kubectl get plans -A -o yaml

If the cluster becomes stuck in upgrading, restart the system-upgrade-controller.

To prevent issues when upgrading, the Kubernetes upgrade best practices should be followed.

Authorized Cluster Endpoint Support for RKE2 and K3s Clusters

Rancher supports Authorized Cluster Endpoints (ACE) for registered RKE2 and K3s clusters. This support includes manual steps you will perform on the downstream cluster to enable the ACE. For additional information on the authorized cluster endpoint, click here.

  • These steps only need to be performed on the control plane nodes of the downstream cluster. You must configure each control plane node individually.

  • The following steps will work on both RKE2 and K3s clusters registered in v2.6.x as well as those registered (or imported) from a previous version of Rancher with an upgrade to v2.6.x.

  • These steps will alter the configuration of the downstream RKE2 and K3s clusters and deploy the kube-api-authn-webhook. If a future implementation of the ACE requires an update to the kube-api-authn-webhook, then this would also have to be done manually. For more information on this webhook, click here.

Manual steps to be taken on the control plane of each downstream cluster to enable ACE:
  1. Create a file at /var/lib/rancher/{rke2,k3s}/kube-api-authn-webhook.yaml with the following contents:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    - name: Default
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    - name: Default
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    current-context: webhook
    - name: webhook
    user: Default
    cluster: Default
  2. Add the following to the config file (or create one if it doesn’t exist); note that the default location is /etc/rancher/{rke2,k3s}/config.yaml:

    - authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/var/lib/rancher/{rke2,k3s}/kube-api-authn-webhook.yaml
  3. Run the following commands:

    sudo systemctl stop {rke2,k3s}-server
    sudo systemctl start {rke2,k3s}-server
  4. Finally, you must go back to the Rancher UI and edit the imported cluster there to complete the ACE enablement. Click on ⋮ > Edit Config, then click the Networking tab under Cluster Configuration. Finally, click the Enabled button for Authorized Endpoint. Once the ACE is enabled, you then have the option of entering a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and certificate information.


The FQDN field is optional, and if one is entered, it should point to the downstream cluster. Certificate information is only needed if there is a load balancer in front of the downstream cluster that is using an untrusted certificate. If you have a valid certificate, then nothing needs to be added to the CA Certificates field.

Annotating Registered Clusters

For all types of registered Kubernetes clusters except for RKE2 and K3s Kubernetes clusters, Rancher doesn't have any information about how the cluster is provisioned or configured.

Therefore, when Rancher registers a cluster, it assumes that several capabilities are disabled by default. Rancher assumes this in order to avoid exposing UI options to the user even when the capabilities are not enabled in the registered cluster.

However, if the cluster has a certain capability, such as the ability to use a pod security policy, a user of that cluster might still want to select pod security policies for the cluster in the Rancher UI. In order to do that, the user will need to manually indicate to Rancher that pod security policies are enabled for the cluster.

By annotating a registered cluster, it is possible to indicate to Rancher that a cluster was given a pod security policy, or another capability, outside of Rancher.

This example annotation indicates that a pod security policy is enabled:

"": "true"

The following annotation indicates Ingress capabilities. Note that the values of non-primitive objects need to be JSON encoded, with quotations escaped.

"": "[

These capabilities can be annotated for the cluster:

  • ingressCapabilities
  • loadBalancerCapabilities
  • nodePoolScalingSupported
  • nodePortRange
  • pspEnabled
  • taintSupport

All the capabilities and their type definitions can be viewed in the Rancher API view, at [Rancher Server URL]/v3/schemas/capabilities.

To annotate a registered cluster,

  1. Click ☰ > Cluster Management.
  2. On the Clusters page, go to the custom cluster you want to annotate and click ⋮ > Edit Config.
  3. Expand the Labels & Annotations section.
  4. Click Add Annotation.
  5. Add an annotation to the cluster with the format capabilities/<capability>: <value> where value is the cluster capability that will be overridden by the annotation. In this scenario, Rancher is not aware of any capabilities of the cluster until you add the annotation.
  6. Click Save.

Result: The annotation does not give the capabilities to the cluster, but it does indicate to Rancher that the cluster has those capabilities.