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Version: v2.11 (Preview)

Azure Node Template Configuration

For more information about Azure, refer to the official Azure documentation.

Account access information is stored as a cloud credential. Cloud credentials are stored as Kubernetes secrets. Multiple node templates can use the same cloud credential. You can use an existing cloud credential or create a new one.

  • Placement sets the geographical region where your cluster is hosted and other location metadata.

  • Network configures the networking used in your cluster.

  • Instance customizes your VM configuration.


    If using a VNet in a different Resource Group than the VMs, the VNet name should be prefixed with the Resource Group name. For example, <resource group>:<vnet>.

If you use Docker, the Docker daemon configuration options include:

  • Labels: For information on labels, refer to the Docker object label documentation..

  • Docker Engine Install URL: Determines what Docker version will be installed on the instance.


    If you're provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS nodes, leave the Docker Install URL field as the default value, or select none. This will bypass a check for Docker installation, as Docker is already installed on these node types.

    If you set Docker Install URL to a value other than the default or none, you might see an error message such as the following: Error creating machine: RHEL ssh command error: command: sudo -E yum install -y curl err: exit status 1 output: Updating Subscription Management repositories.

  • Registry mirrors: Docker Registry mirror to be used by the Docker daemon.

  • Other advanced options: Refer to the Docker daemon option reference.