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Version: v2.11 (Preview)

Nutanix Node Template Configuration

Account Access

Management EndpointHostname/IP address of Prism Central
UsernameUsername of the Prism Central user
PasswordPassword of the Prism Central user
Allow insecure communicationSet to true to allow insecure SSL communication to Prism CentralFalse


Choose what Nutanix cluster the virtual machine will be scheduled to.

ClusterName of the Nutanix cluster where the VM should be deployed (case sensitive)

Instance Options

In the Instance Options section, configure the number of vCPUs, memory, and disk size for the VMs created by this template.

CPUsNumber of vCPUs allocated to the VM (cores)2
MemoryAmount of RAM allocated to the VM (MB)2 GB
Template ImageName of the Disk Image template to clone as the VM's primary disk (must support cloud-init)
VM Disk SizeNew size of the VM's primary disk (in GiB)
Additional Disk SizeSize of an additional disk to add to the VM (in GiB)
Storage ContainerStorage container UUID in which to provision an additional disk
Cloud Config YAMLCloud-init to provide to the VM (will be patched with Rancher root user)
NetworkName(s) of the network(s) to attach to the VM
VM CategoriesName(s) of any categories to be applied to the VM

The VM may use any modern Linux operating system that is configured with support for cloud-init using the Config Drive v2 datasource.


The node template allows a VM to be provisioned with multiple networks. In the Network field, you can click Add to add any networks available to you in AOS.

VM Categories

A category is a grouping of entities into a key value pair. Typically, VMs are assigned to a category based on some criteria. Policies can then be tied to those entities that are assigned (grouped by) a specific category value.


Cloud-init allows you to initialize your nodes by applying configuration on the first boot. This may involve things such as creating users or authorizing SSH keys.

To make use of cloud-init initialization, paste a cloud config using valid YAML syntax into the Cloud Config YAML field. Refer to the cloud-init documentation for a commented set of examples of supported cloud config directives.

Note that cloud-init based network configuration is not recommended and only supported via user data runcmd rather than by NoCloud or other network configuration datasources.

Nutanix IP Address Management (IPAM) or another DHCP service is recommended.

Engine Options

In the Engine Options section of the node template, you can configure the container daemon. You may want to specify the container version or a container image registry mirror.


If you're provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS nodes, leave the Docker Install URL field as the default value, or select none. This will bypass a check for Docker installation, as Docker is already installed on these node types.

If you set Docker Install URL to a value other than the default or none, you might see an error message such as the following: Error creating machine: RHEL ssh command error: command: sudo -E yum install -y curl err: exit status 1 output: Updating Subscription Management repositories.