AWS Marketplace Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Integration
Rancher Prime integrates with the AWS Marketplace as a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) offering. This brings the value of running and managing Kubernetes environments to AWS customers, benefiting from a new pay-monthly pricing model available through the AWS Marketplace. This listing will enable you to manage any CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution in AWS, on-prem, or at the edge. To learn more, see our non-EMEA and EMEA AWS Marketplace offerings for Rancher Prime:
For more details on how Rancher pay-as-you-go offerings work, refer to the pay-as-you-go FAQ.
- Currently, you must be running Rancher v2.7.9. When you deploy a supported PAYG version, you can update to newer versions of Rancher when the listing is updated.