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Version: v2.9

Creating a Huawei CCE Cluster

You can use Rancher to create a cluster hosted in Huawei Cloud Container Engine (CCE). Rancher has already implemented and packaged the cluster driver for CCE, but by default, this cluster driver is inactive. In order to launch CCE clusters, you will need to enable the CCE cluster driver. After enabling the cluster driver, you can start provisioning CCE clusters.

Prerequisites in Huawei


Deploying to CCE will incur charges.

  1. Find your project ID in Huawei CCE portal. See the CCE documentation on how to manage your projects.

  2. Create an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Prerequisite in Rancher

You will need to enable the Huawei CCE cluster driver:

  1. Click ☰ > Cluster Management.
  2. Click Drivers.
  3. In the Cluster Drivers tab, go to the Huawei CCE cluster driver and click ⋮ > Activate.

When the cluster driver is finished downloading, you will be able to create Huawei CCE clusters in Rancher.


Huawei CCE service doesn't support the ability to create clusters with public access through their API. You are required to run Rancher in the same VPC as the CCE clusters that you want to provision.

Create the CCE Cluster

  1. From the Clusters page, click Create.
  2. Click Huawei CCE.
  3. Enter a Cluster Name.
  4. Use Member Roles to configure user authorization for the cluster. Click Add Member to add users that can access the cluster. Use the Role drop-down to set permissions for each user.
  5. Enter Project Id, Access Key ID as Access Key and Secret Access Key Secret Key. Then Click Next: Configure cluster. Fill in the cluster configuration. For help filling out the form, refer to Huawei CCE Configuration.
  6. Fill the following node configuration of the cluster. For help filling out the form, refer to Node Configuration.
  7. Click Create to create the CCE cluster.


Your cluster is created and assigned a state of Provisioning. Rancher is standing up your cluster.

You can access your cluster after its state is updated to Active.

Active clusters are assigned two Projects:

  • Default, containing the default namespace
  • System, containing the cattle-system, ingress-nginx, kube-public, and kube-system namespaces

Huawei CCE Configuration

Cluster TypeWhich type or node you want to include into the cluster, VirtualMachine or BareMetal.
DescriptionThe description of the cluster.
Master VersionThe Kubernetes version.
Management Scale CountThe max node count of the cluster. The options are 50, 200 and 1000. The larger of the scale count, the more the cost.
High AvailabilityEnable master node high availability. The cluster with high availability enabled will have more cost.
Container Network ModeThe network mode used in the cluster. overlay_l2 and vpc-router is supported in VirtualMachine type and underlay_ipvlan is supported in BareMetal type
Container Network CIDRNetwork CIDR for the cluster.
VPC NameThe VPC name which the cluster is going to deploy into. Rancher will create one if it is blank.
Subnet NameThe Subnet name which the cluster is going to deploy into. Rancher will create one if it is blank.
External ServerThis option is reserved for the future we can enable CCE cluster public access via API. For now, it is always disabled.
Cluster LabelThe labels for the cluster.
Highway SubnetThis option is only supported in BareMetal type. It requires you to select a VPC with high network speed for the bare metal machines.

If you are editing the cluster in the cluster.yml instead of the Rancher UI, note that cluster configuration directives must be nested under the rancher_kubernetes_engine_config directive in cluster.yml. For more information, refer to the section on the config file structure.

Node Configuration

ZoneThe available zone at where the node(s) of the cluster is deployed.
Billing ModeThe bill mode for the cluster node(s). In VirtualMachine type, only Pay-per-use is supported. in BareMetal, you can choose Pay-per-use or Yearly/Monthly.
Validity PeriodThis option only shows in Yearly/Monthly bill mode. It means how long you want to pay for the cluster node(s).
Auto RenewThis option only shows in Yearly/Monthly bill mode. It means that the cluster node(s) will renew the Yearly/Monthly payment automatically or not.
Data Volume TypeData volume type for the cluster node(s). SATA, SSD or SAS for this option.
Data Volume SizeData volume size for the cluster node(s)
Root Volume TypeRoot volume type for the cluster node(s). SATA, SSD or SAS for this option.
Root Volume SizeRoot volume size for the cluster node(s)
Node FlavorThe node flavor of the cluster node(s). The flavor list in Rancher UI is fetched from Huawei Cloud. It includes all the supported node flavors.
Node CountThe node count of the cluster
Node Operating SystemThe operating system for the cluster node(s). Only EulerOS 2.2 and CentOS 7.4 are supported right now.
SSH Key NameThe ssh key for the cluster node(s)
EIPThe public IP options for the cluster node(s). Disabled means that the cluster node(s) are not going to bind a public IP. Create EIP means that the cluster node(s) will bind one or many newly created Eips after provisioned and more options will be shown in the UI to set the to-create EIP parameters. And Select Existed EIP means that the node(s) will bind to the EIPs you select.
EIP CountThis option will only be shown when Create EIP is selected. It means how many EIPs you want to create for the node(s).
EIP TypeThis option will only be shown when Create EIP is selected. The options are 5_bgp and 5_sbgp.
EIP Share TypeThis option will only be shown when Create EIP is selected. The only option is PER.
EIP Charge ModeThis option will only be shown when Create EIP is selected. The options are pay by BandWidth and pay by Traffic.
EIP Bandwidth SizeThis option will only be shown when Create EIP is selected. The BandWidth of the EIPs.
Authentication ModeIt means enabling RBAC or also enabling Authenticating Proxy. If you select Authenticating Proxy, the certificate which is used for authenticating proxy will be also required.
Node LabelThe labels for the cluster node(s). Invalid labels can prevent upgrades or can prevent Rancher from starting. For details on label syntax requirements, see the Kubernetes documentation.